January 2018 Naramata Centre Board of Directors Update  

Happy New Year!   The Naramata Centre Board of Directors meets four times a year in person and by monthly teleconferences between meetings. Our recent January conference call was jam-packed with discussion and decisions about our summer, our business activities and our future! I'd like to share some of the key board activities with you.  

Hiring Centre Staff A small board committee is currently interviewing candidates selected by our search firm for the Managing Director position. We hope to hire for this two-year position this month. Before the end of January, we will also post positions on the Charity Village site for a Program Coordinator, Site Operations Manager, Administrative Coordinator and student interns.   In addition to these paid positions, watch your email for information about Campground Host and Volunteer Host opportunities, both of which are volunteer positions that include free accommodations.  

Program Calendar Naramata programs provide opportunities for fun, learning, growth, exploration of new skills and interests, community building and making new friends. We offer programs that inspire, entertain, teach, and allow space for individual expression.   The Board Program team is preparing an exciting program line-up for our 2018 spring, summer and fall program seasons. They are currently gathering final details from program leaders to complete the program calendar. We have a wonderful variety of offerings for children, teens, adults, elders and multi-generational groups.  

Registration for Programs and Accommodations We are implementing a new and more intuitive registration system for accommodations and programs this year. We believe the new system will be easier for registrants to navigate online. Phone support and phone registration will also be available if needed.  

70th Anniversary Celebration Naramata Centre has a long and proud history and we are pleased to be celebrating our 70th anniversary in 2018. Watch for information from the 70th anniversary committee about activities and events to mark this important event in the life of Naramata Centre!

  Tens of thousands of people have benefitted from the Centre since the official opening in 1948. It was not uncommon to have 350 people on site for a peak summer week! Generations of families cherish fond memories of their time here. Thousands of young people have been inspired by their experiences at the Centre. The Centre's culture and values have guided staff and volunteers for seven decades. If you served on staff, as summer staff, participated in winter session, or came with your family during the summer, join us as we mark the 70 wonderful years that Naramata Centre has been changing lives for the better!  

When the new board came into place in 2015, there was a huge outpouring of support for the future of the Centre. Let's demonstrate that support again in 2018. Celebrate with us this year!  

For more information on Naramata Centre:  Naramata Centre Society